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Empowering Your Journey: A Pregnancy Planning Guide with Dr. T. Rajeshwari Reddy


Congratulations! You’ve embarked on the beautiful journey of planning a pregnancy. This exciting time comes with many questions and considerations. Dr. T. Rajeshwari Reddy, a renowned obstetrician and gynaecologist in Hyderabad, is here to empower you with a comprehensive pregnancy planning guide.

Preconception Planning:

  • Optimising Health: A preconception checkup is crucial. It assesses your overall health, identifying any potential concerns. Early detection and management of pre-existing conditions lead to a healthier pregnancy.
  • Folic Acid and Diet: Dr. Rajeshwari Reddy strongly recommends folic acid supplementation, proven to reduce birth defects. She’ll also guide you on a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients for both you and your developing baby.
  • Weight Management and Exercise: Maintaining a healthy weight before pregnancy benefits both mother and baby. Dr. Rajeshwari Reddy can advise on safe and effective exercises to promote overall well-being.

Creating a Support System:

  • Emotional and Physical Support: A strong support system is vital during pregnancy. Open communication with your partner is essential. Consider couples counselling if needed. Dr. Rajeshwari Reddy  fosters a supportive environment, ensuring you feel heard and understood.

Preparing Your Lifestyle:

  • Healthy Habits: Certain lifestyle adjustments are recommended. Dr.Rajeshwari  Reddy encourages quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
  • Stress Management: Pregnancy can be stressful. Dr. Rajeshwari Reddy emphasises managing stress through relaxation techniques and healthy choices.

Understanding Prenatal Care:

  • Regular Checkups: Prenatal checkups with Dr. Rajeshwari Reddy are key for monitoring your health and your baby’s development. These appointments involve comprehensive examinations, screenings, and ultrasounds to ensure everything progresses smoothly.


Dr. T. Rajeshwari Reddy offers a wealth of expertise and compassionate care throughout your pregnancy journey. Don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation to discuss your personalised pregnancy plan. With Dr. Rajeshwari Reddy by your side, embark on this exciting chapter with confidence and knowledge.

Contact Dr. T. Rajeshwari Reddy’s practice today to schedule your preconception consultation.

Contact : 9963689895