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Ovarian Fibroma – Is It an Ovarian Cancer?

An ovarian fibroma is typically a non-cancerous (benign) growth that develops in the ovaries. The growth is slow and progressive and has no symptoms.

It is a rare benign tumor of the ovary found mostly in perimenopausal or postmenopausal women during their 50s. However, it poses a potential risk with other severe complications if it is not detected in time.

Ovarian Fibroma Symptoms?

In a majority of the causes, ovarian fibromas do not cause any symptoms. Women who develop symptoms mostly feel pelvic pain or discomfort. The other signs and symptoms may include:

  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Post-menopausal bleeding
  • Pain during sex or after sexual intercourse
  • Abdominal pressure and swollen abdomen
  • Pressure on the bladder
  • Frequent urge to urination
  • A ruptured cyst can cause peritonitis and shock


An experienced gynecologist during the physical examination feels abnormalities during palpation. When she detects any abnormality during a pelvic examination, she will order an abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), or an MRI scan.

Gynecologists order MRI scans to further differentiate and characterize ovarian fibromas from other solid ovarian masses.

Ovarian Fibromas Features

They are mostly asymptomatic even if they reach a large size. They are mostly discovered during routine physical examinations. They may be associated with abdominal pain and urinary symptoms with or without ovarian torsion.

Ovarian fibromas are sometimes associated with ascites, pleural effusions, and elevated CA-125 levels mimicking the symptoms of ovarian cancer.


If an ovarian fibroma is small with no symptoms, then the gynecologist may not recommend any treatment or therapy. The doctor keeps a watchful eye on the condition. She will adopt the watching and waiting approach.

When fibromas grow and become larger in size and pose a potential risk of ovarian torsion, doctors recommend the removal of fibroma. Laparoscopic surgery is the most frequently recommended procedure for the removal of ovarian fibroma.

Bottom Line

Early detection of ovarian fibroma is important to prevent ovarian torsion because these benign tumors are often asymptomatic. They are mostly discovered during routine gynecological examinations.

Meet Dr. Rajeshwari Reddy at Ankura Hospital for Women and Children for the comprehensive treatment of ovarian fibromas, ovarian cysts, cervical incompetence, pelvic organ prolapse, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, abnormal uterine bleeding, and pelvic pain.