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Can a Woman with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) get Pregnant?

Prior to talking about PCOS treatment in Hyderabad, let us try to understand the process of fertilization and how PCOS affects fertility. we will also discuss the possibility of pregnancy with PCOS as most women have this question: Can a woman with PCOS get pregnant.

Fertilization and pregnancy

Among the 4 to 5 small follicles that are recruited in one ovary – one follicle becomes a dominant follicle and releases an egg. Which means a woman’s ovary releases an egg. The released egg travels down the fallopian tube. An active sperm meets this egg in the fallopian tube and thus fertilization occurs. This is a normal process of fertilization. The fertilized egg then travels to the uterus, or womb, where it can attach to the lining of the uterus and develop into a fetus. This is how a woman gets pregnant.

PCOS in Women

PCOS is a condition wherein – a woman having it produces abnormally high levels of male hormones which prevent follicular opening and release of eggs. Due to which, the symptoms like excessive body hair growth and irregular periods manifest; sometimes periods are absent altogether. When follicles remain in the ovary – they turn as cysts – owing to which, it becomes increasingly difficult for a woman to conceive – but getting pregnant is not impossible though.

Effects of PCOS on a Woman’s Fertility

The most prominent change or alteration that PCOS can bring in a woman’s life is its effect on normal hormonal balance. Usual hormonal balance gets disturbed due to alterations in the hormonal pathways that are involved in the production and release of eggs from the ovaries. The process of making the uterus ready for conception and pregnancy may also get disturbed. A woman who has PCOS, these are the challenges for her – an absence of ovulation, changes in the follicles, irregular periods and unpreparedness of the endometrium to sustain a pregnancy. Therefore, getting pregnant and sustaining pregnancy is quite challenging for her. Still, she has the possibility of getting pregnant and sustaining a pregnancy. Let us understand how…

Are there any chances of getting pregnant for a woman with PCOS?

The next biggest question is what are the prospects of getting pregnant for a woman who has PCOS.

A woman with PCOS can still become pregnant as long as she doesn’t worry too much because she has got different ways including both natural and conventional to try. Once she understands how she can correct her hormonal pathways to normal, her prospects of getting pregnant soon become quite bright. In addition to getting support from her lady doctor, she must focus her attention to some critical lifestyle factors including her activities and nutrition – which play an important role in augmenting her chances of becoming pregnant even if she has PCOS.

I recommend the following measures – which are mostly lifestyle-related changes – for all women to follow to ensure the possibilities of getting pregnant.

Avoid Processed Foods

The first and foremost thing to do is to avoid all processed foods and preserved foods that are high in carbohydrates, salt, starch, refined sugars and low in fibre and nutrition. The foods to avoid include white rice, white potatoes, fried potatoes, burgers, pizzas, foods made from white flour, rice, and foods high in fructose, corn syrups, refined sugars and starches. If you do this successfully, then you will be able to reduce insulin resistance, decrease androgens, and regularize ovulation & menses.

Follow a low-glycemic-load diet

To do this, reduce carbohydrate intake to almost 15 to 16 grams per meals and 6 grams per serving. There is a scope of slightly increasing carbohydrate intake if you are more active throughout the day. Next, focus on activity levels – as long as you are active, you can manage weight and burn your excess calories. If you eat low glycemic index foods and check your glycemic load every day, you can easily cope up with your insulin resistance. By doing so you can bring back your hormonal balance to normal and increase the prospects of getting pregnant. To keep a check on your glycemic load, include proteins, healthy fats and fibers in your diet.

Your sugar levels increase during PCOS – if you make the above lifestyle changes you can compensate for the role of the drug which is normally used to control sugar levels in your blood.

Weight Reduction is a Must

Insulin resistance, abnormal female hormonal levels with increased levels of male hormones; and infertility issues are common in women who have a high waist-to-hip ratio with obesity. In these women, abnormal estrogen, androgen and insulin levels can be attributed to PCOS. This is a common finding in the majority of the women – nearly 50 to 60% of women who have PCOS.

Women who are falling under a high-risk category of PCOS and also experiencing the symptoms associated with PCOS should focus more on weight reduction. A mere 5 to 10% weight reduction can bring in some excellent results – making them more fertile. They can thus bring promising changes in their menstrual cycles and ovulation. By following a healthy weight reduction exercise regimen and also by focusing on their eating habits as discussed above, women can literally take control of their PCOS issue.

The best and proven way to reduce insulin resistance is by getting yourself involved in some sort of exercise or physical activity. The regular physical activity ensures proper hormonal balance, apt weight, BMI and also brings in a positive change in your body and mind.

PCOS Treatment in Hyderabad – PCOS-related infertility treatment?

Women who have been diagnosed with PCOS and are trying hard to get pregnant should be treated based on their concern. Doctors treat them symptomatically and to restore their hormonal balance. Oral medication metformin improves insulin resistance by lowering insulin levels. low insulin resistance helps in inducing ovulation.
Women taking clomiphene should discuss with their obstetrician regarding her pregnancy concerns as her doctor might recommend adding metformin. It is a drug of choice for prediabetic women who are at increased risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Metformin is a drug often prescribed to you if you have PCOS and are trying to get pregnant. There are some nutritional supplements like Vitamin D, A-Acetyle Cysteine, and Myoinositol that work like metformin and help lower insulin resistance. But you should never take such supplements without under any proper medical supervision.

Ovulation Induction

Ovulation induction is the first priority of doctors for women who have been diagnosed with PCOS and who have pregnancy-related concerns. Medication is given to achieve this. Women who have ovulation problems and infertility, medication is given to stimulate the development of one or more mature follicles (the area of the ovary where the egg develops). In anovulatory PCOS patients, clomiphene citrate (CC) is the first therapeutical approach for inducing ovulation. This can also be achieved through gonadotrophin injections. The next therapeutic approach is the use of metformin alone or in combination with CC as discussed above. In addition, laparoscopic ovarian diathermy can be useful only in selected cases.

Bottom line

If you are a woman who has lots of concerns about PCOS owing to your weight, hormonal abnormalities, excessive body hair and other symptoms – and, if you are unable to conceive and get pregnant – then, you must meet your gynaecologist who specializes in the diagnosis and PCOS treatment in Hyderabad. Discuss your case with her. Don’t delay in approaching a doctor as it may cause more harm than you imagine. With every passing day, your condition can become worse.

Whatever lifestyle measures have been suggested here should become a routine part of every woman’s life. They are helpful in several ways though you may try them for the management of PCOS and inducing fertility.

Book an appointment with Dr Rajeshwari for PCOS treatment in Hyderabad